City of Aurora Zoning Board of Appeals met April 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Others Present
Election Officers
Approval of Minutes
17-00313 Approval of the Minutes for the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on October 19, 2016
17-00314 Approval of the Minutes for the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on December 15, 2016.
17-00206 Authorized Variance Petition pursuant to Section 10.5 for property located at 409 S. Commonwealth Avenue located near the southwest corner of S. Commonwealth Avenue and Kenilworth Place to allow for a two foot reduction in the side yard setback from six feet to four feet (Jeff Jamroz - 17-00206 / AU20/4-16.228-V - SB - Ward 4) (Public Hearing)
Committee Reports