
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

Analysis: Of uncounted Glen Ellyn school tax hike referendum votes, more would be cast by Republicans than Democrats

Webp vote 11

Of the 51 potential votes that still could be counted in the razor-thin Glen Ellyn School District 41 tax hike referendum, twice as many would come from Republicans as from Democrats.

An analysis by DuPage Policy Journal found 28 ballots (55 percent) were requested by consistent Republican primary voters, versus just 12 (24 percent) by consistent Democrat ones. 

Election Day returns from the April 4 vote approved the tax hike by just eleven votes-- 2,663 to 2,652-- with 5,215 total votes cast. 

The analysis is of applications mostly by voters who requested ballots by mail, typically college students and snowbirds who wouldn't be in Glen Ellyn on Election Day. These ballots have until March 30 to arrive and be counted. They must be postmarked by Election Day.

Of the 51 outstanding ballots, 25 were issued to voters over age 60. A majority of them-- 60 percent, or 15--  are Republican primary voters, versus six Democrats and the remainder with mixed voting records, according to the Illinois State Board of Elections (ISBE).

They include former District 41 employee and current Dupage High School District 88 administrator Julie Grube of 834 Crest Ct. Her last four primary votes included two for Republicans and two for Democrats.

Eugenie Matula, 302 Anthony St., formerly a principal in Naperville School District 203, voted in the 2016 Republican primary. But her previous two primary votes were for Democrats.

Four ballots were issued to voters over age 90, including two aged 95 and 97 living at Brookdale Senior Living facilty. Both are Democrat primary voters.

Twelve outstanding ballots were issued to Glen Ellyn voters ages 19-22.

They include Megan Moffitt, 21, 467 Stagecoach Run, studying political science and peace studies at the University of Notre Dame, who has never voted in a primary and is unaffiliated, according to ISBE. She hopes to contribute "academic research.. to the field of international humanitarian law enforcement." 

Olivia Chinchilla, 20, 526 Bryant Ave., has voted in two Republican primaries according to ISBE. She is in ROTC at Northwestern University and once interned in the office of U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam (R).

Karl Agger, 22, 244 Scott Ave., has also voted in two Republican primaries. His mother, Denise, however, is a third grade teacher at Churchill School in District 41.

Hannah, Mary and Jonah Ladesic, all of 615 Scott Ave., are the children of Peter Ladesic, who led a group opposing the referendum.

Five ballots were mailed for voters in Florida and two in California.

One was mailed to Susan Nash Rasmussen, a Democrat primary voter who moved to Mt. Pleasant, SC in February according to her Facebook page. Her Glen Ellyn address, 69 N. Ott Ave, is for sale, according to Zillow.com.

Glen Ellyn Outstanding Ballots

First NameLast NameAgePrimary Voting HistoryAddress
JonahLadesic19GOP615 Scott Ave 
MitchellPohlman19GOP1S601 Sunnybrook Rd 
EleanorKitcheos19None412 Lawrence Ave 
ClaireSimeo20GOP367 Taylor Ave 
OlyviaChinchilla20GOP526 Bryant Ave 
GrantColliander20None678 Kenilworth Ave 
MeganMoffitt21None467 Stagecoach Run 
HannahLadesic21GOP615 Scott Ave 
MaryLadesic21GOP615 Scott Ave 
AndreaDavidson21Democrat22W738 Ahlstrand Rd 
KarlAgger22GOP244 Scott Ave 
LeahLandry22Mixed77 Parkside Ave 
KevinDouglass24None271 Forest Ave 
CatherineCrawford25Democrat306 Grandview Ave 
AshleyQuick29None60 N Park Blvd 
KristinaSwanson35Mixed22W222 Glen Valley Rd 
HeidiRisley35GOP2N048 Diane Ave 
DanielleMoran37Democrat374 Amy Ct 
DanielleMbadu38GOP21W753 Mc Carron Rd 
AlicePlutko39Democrat675 Buena Vista Dr 
DanielRisley44GOP2N048 Diane Ave 
AndrewTrieger47GOP305 N Park Blvd 
SusanNash Rasmussen47Democrat69 N Ott Ave 
JeanBeales55GOP870 Ellynwood Dr 
DavidLong58GOP22W310 2nd St 
JeanKaczmarek59Democrat78 Forest Ave 
JulieGrube62Mixed834 Crest Ct 
MichaelPajor63Democrat302 Anthony St 
StephenMac Kerell63GOP551 Dawes Ave 
Robert ScottWilliams63GOP600 Dawes Ave 
CleoBurtis63Democrat365 Scott Ave 
EugenieMatula64Mixed302 Anthony St 
SusanDibble65GOP1188 Royal Glen Dr Apt 317B    
JeffreyFawell65GOP588 Lee St 
DebbyRichardson66Democrat515 N Main St Apt 2AS     
GeralynPatterson66GOP754 Revere Rd 
ZacharyPatterson67GOP754 Revere Rd 
MargaritaGarcia68Mixed1N525 Park Blvd 
JamesComerford69Mixed365 Scott Ave 
JeanneVan Strydonck70GOP468 Pennsylvania Ave 
FrederickVan Strydonck74GOP468 Pennsylvania Ave Apt E       
ThomasCrane77GOP2S041 Stratford Rd 
AudreyCibulka81GOP1N736 Goodrich Ave 
DoloresUncapher83GOP2N168 Virginia Ave 
RobertBurlingham86GOP60 N Nicoll Ave Unit 314     
BarbaraSteinke87GOP578 Glendale Ave 
RitaLawless88Democrat470 Raintree Ct Unit 1B      
SallyHanson92GOP515 N Main St Unit 1FS     
MaryKapolas93GOP2S041 Sheffield Rd 
HertaZeller95Democrat60 N Nicoll Ave Apt 319     
JanetBailey97Democrat60 N Nicoll Ave Apt 424     
Source: DuPage Election Commission