
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Ramey takes team approach in GOP bid for Wayne Township supervisor

Ramey team campaign signs

Ramey takes team approach in GOP bid for Wayne Township supervisor | Courtesy of Shutterstock

Ramey takes team approach in GOP bid for Wayne Township supervisor | Courtesy of Shutterstock

"I voted today at the county building for myself and the entire Wayne Township Republican team!” stated GOP candidate Harry “Randy” Ramey Jr. recently via his Facebook page, including eight colleagues plus his own bid for supervisor.

“I hope you will vote for us too,” the candidate continued. “Ramey, Ramundo, Musson, Tamburello, Zito, Feltes, Brinkman and Waghorne. Winning!"

Ramey, a longtime DuPage County resident living in Carol Stream, is no stranger to the political process, having served actively in his local GOP organization in various leadership positions: as trustee for Wayne Township from 1998 to 2006, and as state representative for the 55th District from 2005 to 2012.

His interest in government began while he was still a high school student, leading to a position as election judge in York Township; then work with the Young Republicans during his college years at University of Illinois, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in restaurant management.

Ramey, who volunteered in several high-profile Republican campaigns including those of Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bob Dole and George W. Bush, belongs to various local, civic and charitable organizations.

“The Wayne Township Republican Team has signs everywhere because of the strong support from the community,” the candidate posted the week of Feb. 8. “Sen. Doris Karpiel and Sen. John Millner along with many local officials have endorsed us. Election Day is Feb. 28th, vote for the Wayne Township Republican Team.”