
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

City of Naperville Advisory Commission on Disabilities met Feb. 1.

City of Naperville Advisory Commission on Disabilities met Feb. 1.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Commission:

1.Call to Order / Roll Call

2. October 5, 2016 Meeting Summary- EXHIBIT A Action Requested: Approval

3. New Business

a. Update and Discussion with the Accessible Community Task Force – EXHIBIT B The ACTF has spent the last few months meeting, organizing, and planning for action. The purpose of this discussion is to provide an update to the ACD related to what has been done and next steps.

b. Public Safety Update - Debbie Hansen, Naperville Police Department – EXHIBIT C Ms. Hansen is the public safety representative on the staff-based ADA Compliance Team. She will provide information and answer questions about the Naperville Police Department General Orders related to Crisis Intervention Techniques.

4. Old Business

a. Taxi Program Information – Lynn Zilinsky, Naperville Clerk’s Office At the October 5, 2016 ACD meeting, a representative from the Clerk’s Office was requested to attend the February 1, 2017 meeting to provide information about: How are taxi services are evaluated with respect to ADA compliance The process for addressing complaints (including notification to the complainant) ADA training provided by the City to taxi companies

b. ADA Team Staff Report – Amy Emery Report to be presented by staff at meeting. Items include update on regional ADA Coordinators Meeting, Facility Transition Plan Update, and calls received.

c. Correspondence – EXHIBIT D Memo from Deputy Director Transportation, Engineering and Development Services regarding Transportation Programs

5. Public Comment (Items Not on the Agenda)

6. Adjournment
