
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Olsen looks forward to next legislative session


Republican David Olsen of Downers Grove was elected to the 81st District House seat. | Contributed photo

Republican David Olsen of Downers Grove was elected to the 81st District House seat. | Contributed photo

While Nov. 8 was a highly energetic time for the U.S. presidential race, it was also an anticipated time for state government as citizens elected new officials.

In Illinois, Republican David Olsen of Downers Grove was elected to the 81st District House seat. In a recent interview, he shared his hopes for this new term and explained his first and most important order of business.

“I am honored and humbled to have the support of the people of the 81st district to represent them in Springfield," Olsen told the DuPage Policy Journal. "To have the confidence of the people at the election gives me added confidence and motivation to do the ring thing.”

While Olsen expects to work diligently in the house for the citizens of Illinois, he explained his first order of business was the state budget. As he said, “The budget is probably the number one issue.”

While on his campaign trail, people of the 81st District made it very clear to Olsen they expect the state legislature to pass a new budget. While campaigning, he talked with many voters who expressed concerns about partisan gridlock.

“We need reform," Olsen said. "We can’t expect people to pay more for the same bad services that they are getting from the state government.”

It is obvious to Olsen that Illinois residents are unhappy with the state budget and are putting their trust in him as well as many other officials to change that.

“People want compromise and they want us to work together to solve this budget mess. That has to be our top priority,” Olsen said.

In addition to focusing on a budget reform, Olsen hopes to work more closely with his fellow officials in office.

“I hope there is more compromise," he said. "I am going to work with members on all sides of the issue and on both sides of the aisle to achieve some sort of compromise. I look forward to being apart of that dialogue over the next couple of months. We have an opportunity to push the dialogue forward.”

He expects all parties to work together in a bipartisan way, even though Democrats have the majority in both houses. Olsen said.

In regards to the current Speaker of the House -- Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) and his intention to pass any lateral bills that may help or hurt expected budget reform, Olsen said there's potential for anything, and he loos forward to seeing what may or may not be attempted over the next couple of months.”

Olsen will be sworn into Illinois' 81st District state House seat on Jan. 11.

“I’m excited to be getting down to Springfield and doing this job for the people," he said.