
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

Villa Park Board considers increasing liquor licenses

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The village of Villa Park Board met Oct. 10 to consider increasing the number for liquor licenses issued.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:

"Villa Park has a village board / manager form of government, which consists of a village president and six trustees. The seven member board is responsible for the appointment of a village manager, approval of the annual budget, and adoption of ordinances. The board meets at 7:30 p.m. the second and fourth Mondays in the Village Hall. The meetings are broadcast live on Channel 6, and run daily at 12:30 p.m. and 7 p.m., until the next board meeting at which time it is switched to the current meeting."


Public participation is invited on each agenda item prior to the Village Board's deliberation. When called upon, please approach the microphone and state your name and the address where you live. Kindly limit your remarks to three (3) minutes. Public participation involving new or sworn testimony will not be permitted at either the Formal or the Committee-of-Whole meeting of the Village Board on any Planning and Zoning Commission matters for which a public hearing was held.

VILLAGE OF VILLA PARK 20 South Ardmore Avenue, Villa Park, Illinois 60181

October 10, 2016 COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE 7:30 PM President Deborah Bullwinkel Village Clerk Hosanna Korynecky Chris J. Aiello Nick Cuzzone Albert Bulthuis Donald Kase Robert Wagner Robert Taglia

1. Call to Order – Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Amendments of the Agenda

4. Proclamation Recognizing Principals Day

5. Proclamation for Fire Prevention Week

6. Presentation of the Green Champion Award by the Environmental Concerns Commission

7. Presentation of the Draft Water System Audit

8. Presentation of the Leak Detection Report

9. Consider an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving an Increase in the Number of Class EE, Liquor Licenses from 7 to 8.

The Village received a request from a representative of IP Management Inc. dba Picante Wings for a Class “EE” Liquor License. If approved, the number of Class “EE” liquor licenses within the Village will increase by one, from 7 to 8. The new Picante Wings is located at 1023 W. North Avenue, Unit 1, Villa Park, IL 60181.

The Villa Park Village Hall is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. An elevator is operational at the north side entrance to the Village Hall during normal work hours and also during evenings. Individuals with special needs are requested to contact the Village's Compliance Officer at (630) 834-8500 so that reasonable accommodations can be made for those persons.

10. Consider an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing the First Amendment to the Annual Budget for the Village for the Fiscal Year Commencing on May 1, 2015 and Ending on April 30, 2016.

As part of the annual year end close out and auditing procedures, the Village routinely reviews the revenues and expenditures of all Village funds. Preliminary results for FY16 are favorable. The Village’s Corporate Fund and other Village operations ended the year with more revenue than expenditures. The Village expended significant dollars on capital projects from prior year bond proceeds or savings in the Street Improvements Fund, North Avenue TIF Fund, and Water Supply Fund. The expenditures/expenses of some individual funds were higher than the budget, much of which was either beyond our control, previously known, and/or was covered by additional revenues, so we need to amend the budget as part of our regular fiscal year end close out activities with Budget Amendment Ordinance #1. It is recommended that an ordinance be adopted amending the FY 2016 Annual Operation Budget that was approved by the Village Board on April 14, 2015, Ordinance #3863.

11. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving the 2016 Amendments to the Amended and Restated Articles of Agreement for the Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association (NEDSRA).

The Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association (NEDSRA), Board of Trustees is requesting from its Member Partner Boards, to approve proposed amendments to NEDSRA’s Articles of Agreement. The amendments include the following; 1) Removal of Article VIII, “Repayments to Member Partners for the Past Pension Plan Contributions (member agency payments were completed); 2) Revision of payments to NEDSRA from Member Partners in the event that tax collections are delayed, allowing Partners to notify NEDSRA of delayed payments; 3) Revision reducing the approving votes to amend the Articles of Agreement from 80% to 67% and; 4) Revision of the first sentence of Article XII (to be renumbered Article XI) to read, “These Amended and Restated Articles, as further amended, become effective on the date of the execution by 67% of the Member Partner Boards.”

12. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving the Purchase of One Chevrolet Tahoe with Police Package and Two Ford Police Interceptor Patrol Vehicles through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative in the amount of $86,631.

In the FY 2016-17 Village Budget, funds are budgeted for the purchase of three (3) police patrol vehicles. This resolution is to order the vehicles to replace existing police cars ready for replacement. Cost of the vehicles will be taken from the Equipment Replacement Fund account 65.502.02.401.

13. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving the Purchase of Fourteen Mobile Data Terminals (MDT) for the Police Vehicles. These MDT’s will be purchased through the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Program for Local Governmental Agencies in the amount of $55,804.

Currently, 14 police cars have Mobile Data Terminals that are outdated, running on Windows XP. Windows XP is no longer supported and is not capable of running our updated dispatch and law enforcement related programs. Staff recommends the purchase of fourteen (14) CF-54 Panasonic Toughbook Computers to replace the aging and outdated units. Funds for this purchase will be taken from the following accounts; DUI Technology Fund 19.520.01.310

- $43,000 and Equipment Replacement Fund 65.502.02.402 - $12,804 for a total of $55,804.

14. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving the Purchase of Twenty-Six SCBA Air Packs and Compressor Fill Station in the amount of $208,554.

In June 2016, the Fire Department was awarded a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of $208,520 for the purchase of 26 new NFPA compliant Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and an air compressor/fill station/cascade system. The terms of the grant specify that FEMA will pay 90% of the purchase price with the Village paying the remaining 10%. Request for Proposals were submitted to SCBA manufacturers. Staff is recommending the purchase of (26) MSA G1 SCBA air packs and one MAKO air compressor/fill station/cascade system from Air One Equipment Inc. 360 Production Dr. in South Elgin, Illinois in the amount of $208,554. FEMA will pay 90% or $189,564 and the Village share will be 10% or $18,990 and taken from account 65.502.02.402.

15. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing an Engineering Services Agreement Between the Village of Villa Park and V3 Companies of Illinois, LTD., for the South Michigan Avenue Improvement Project (Madison to Jackson) in the amount of $156,958.80.

The Village proposes street and utility improvements on South Michigan Avenue between Madison Street and Jackson Street. The project includes design of a relief storm sewer on Michigan and preliminary design of an expansion of the Jackson storm water detention basin. V3 Companies of Woodridge, Illinois has submitted a proposed engineering services agreement to provide Design Engineering Services for these improvements at a cost of $156,958.80. Costs will be taken from account 60.502.02.292 in the Street Improvement Fund (bond referendum funds) and account 68.502.10.292 in the Storm Water Fund (new $6.00 fixed storm water fee).

16. Convene to Formal Agenda

Next Ordinance No. 3934 Next Resolution No. 16-80 Next Meeting will be October 24, 2016

VILLAGE OF VILLA PARK 20 S. Ardmore Avenue, Villa Park, IL 60181

October 10, 2016 FORMAL AGENDA

1. Village President’s Report

2. Public Comments on Agenda Items

3. Amendments of the Agenda

4. Consent Agenda:

a. Bill Listing dated October 10, 2016 in the amount of $425,813.54

b. Minutes from the Village COW Meeting for September 26, 2016

c. Minutes from the Village Formal Board Meeting for September 26, 2016

d. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing the First Amendment to the Annual Budget for the Village for the Fiscal Year Commencing on May 1, 2015 and Ending on April 30, 2016.

As part of the annual year end close out and auditing procedures, the Village routinely reviews the revenues and expenditures of all Village funds. Preliminary results for FY16 are favorable. The Village’s Corporate Fund and other Village operations ended the year with more revenue than expenditures. The Village expended significant dollars on capital projects from prior year bond proceeds or savings in the Street Improvements Fund, North Avenue TIF Fund, and Water Supply Fund. The expenditures/expenses of some individual funds were higher than the budget, much of which was either beyond our control, previously known, and/or was covered by additional revenues, so we need to amend the budget as part of our regular fiscal year end close out activities with Budget Amendment Ordinance #1. It is recommended that an ordinance be adopted amending the FY 2016 Annual Operation Budget that was approved by the Village Board on April 14, 2015, Ordinance #3863.

e. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving the 2016 Amendments to the Amended and Restated Articles of Agreement for the Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association (NEDSRA).

The Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association (NEDSRA), Board of Trustees is requesting from its Member Partner Boards, to approve proposed amendments to NEDSRA’s Articles of Agreement. The amendments include the following; 1) Removal of Article VIII, “Repayments to Member Partners for the Past Pension Plan Contributions (member agency payments were completed); 2) Revision of payments to NEDSRA from Member Partners in the event that tax collections are delayed, allowing Partners to notify NEDSRA of delayed payments; 3) Revision reducing the approving votes to amend the Articles of Agreement from 80% to 67% and; 4) Revision of the first sentence of Article XII (to be renumbered Article XI) to read, “These Amended and Restated Articles, as further amended, become effective on the date of the execution by 67% of the Member Partner Boards.”

f. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving the Purchase of One Chevrolet Tahoe with Police Package and Two Ford Police Interceptor Patrol Vehicles through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative in the amount of $86,631.

In the FY 2016-17 Village Budget, funds are budgeted for the purchase of three (3) police patrol vehicles. This resolution is to order the vehicles to replace existing police cars ready for replacement. Cost of the vehicles will be taken from the Equipment Replacement Fund account 65.502.02.401.

g. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving the Purchase of Fourteen Mobile Data Terminals (MDT) for the Police Vehicles. These MDT’s will be purchased through the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Program for Local Governmental Agencies in the amount of $55,804.

Currently, 14 police cars have Mobile Data Terminals that are outdated, running on Windows XP. Windows XP is no longer supported and is not capable of running our updated dispatch and law enforcement related programs. Staff recommends the purchase of fourteen (14) CF-54 Panasonic Toughbook Computers to replace the aging and outdated units. Funds for this purchase will be taken from the following accounts; DUI Technology Fund 19.520.01.310 - $43,000 and Equipment Replacement Fund 65.502.02.402 - $12,804 for a total of $55,804.

h. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving the Purchase of Twenty-Six SCBA Air Packs and Compressor Fill Station in the amount of $208,554.

In June 2016, the Fire Department was awarded a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of $208,520 for the purchase of 26 new NFPA compliant Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and an air compressor/fill station/cascade system. The terms of the grant specify that FEMA will pay 90% of the purchase price with the Village paying the remaining 10%. Request for Proposals were submitted to SCBA manufacturers. Staff is recommending the purchase of (26) MSA G1 SCBA air packs and one MAKO air compressor/fill station/cascade system from Air One Equipment Inc. 360 Production Dr. in South Elgin, Illinois in the amount of $208,554. FEMA will pay 90% or $189,564 and the Village share will be 10% or $18,990 and taken from account 65.502.02.402.

i. Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing an Engineering Services Agreement Between the Village of Villa Park and V3 Companies of Illinois, LTD., for the South Michigan Avenue Improvement Project (Madison to Jackson) in the amount of $156,958.80.

The Village proposes street and utility improvements on South Michigan Avenue between Madison Street and Jackson Street. The project includes design of a relief storm sewer on Michigan and preliminary design of an expansion of the Jackson storm water detention basin. V3 Companies of Woodridge, Illinois has submitted a proposed engineering services agreement to provide Design Engineering Services for these improvements at a cost of $156,958.80. Costs will be taken from account 60.502.02.292 in the Street Improvement Fund (bond referendum funds) and account 68.502.10.292 in the Storm Water Fund (new $6.00 fixed storm water fee).

5. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving an Increase in the Number of Class EE, Liquor Licenses from 7 to 8.

The Village received a request from a representative of IP Management Inc. dba Picante Wings for a Class “EE” Liquor License. If approved, the number of Class “EE” liquor licenses within the Village will increase by one, from 7 to 8. The new Picante Wings is located at 1023 W. North Avenue, Unit 1, Villa Park, IL 60181.

6. Public Comments on Non- Agenda Items

7. Village Clerk’s Report

8. Village Trustee’s Report

9. Village Manager’s Report

10. Village Attorney’s Report

11. Adjournment