
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, May 17, 2024

Rep. Daniel Lipinski expresses opposition to Trade Promotion Authority


Last Thursday, U.S. Rep. Daniel Lipinski (D-IL) commented on the results of the votes taken on the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), known as Fast Track.

“House Republican leadership pursued a two-step effort to pass fast track trade authority, and today that effort failed," Lipinski said. "While they were able to get part of the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill passed on a razor-thin vote, another portion failed miserably. Without another vote, the bill can’t go to the president and be signed into law. We will apparently be reconsidering the vote that failed early next week, with TPA supporters struggling to keep their bill alive."

Lipinski said the vote is confirmation that many in the House share the belief that TPA is harmful to the middle class and American manufacturers.

Lipinski committed his opposition to TPA in a speech on the House floor.

“I rise today in strong support of American workers, American manufacturing and the environment, and in strong opposition to TPA," Lipinski said. "TPA is woefully inadequate when it comes to stopping currency manipulation, enforcing labor standards and protecting American consumer and environmental protections. This is exactly the wrong time for Congress to be giving up its authority -- which is our constituents’ ability to have a voice -- on trade deals."