
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, May 17, 2024

Mayor Brummel asking Warrenville, Ill., residents to oppose the redirection of LGDF funds


Mayor David Brummel of Warrenville, Illinois, is calling on residents to express their opposition to a state proposal that could pull local revenue to repair the state's budget deficit.

Mayors across Illinois are fighting to maintain the Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF).

If the state proposal passes, it is estimated that Warrenville would lose $650,000 annually.

LGDF tax dollars are used to fund vital services such as police, transportation services to the elderly and disabled, street repairs and property maintenance.

“Since 2008, Warrenville has made tough decisions to maintain city services in light of declining revenue, while the state did nothing to address their fiscal crisis," Brummel said. "The legislators and the governor [Bruce Rauner] need to hear from their constituents on this important matter."

Residents can voice their opposition to their local legislators and Rauner via a letter at the website www.ProtectMyTown.com.