
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Cullerton calls on federal government to conduct O'Hare noise study


State Sen. Tom Cullerton | The Office of Sen. Tom Fullerton

State Sen. Tom Cullerton | The Office of Sen. Tom Fullerton

State Sen. Tom Cullerton is circulating a petition that calls on the federal government to conduct a study of the environmental and human health impacts caused by O’Hare International Airport.

“There is undeniably a negative impact on the quality of life for the residents of my district and as well as surrounding communities," Fullerton said. "Federal agencies need to conduct a study to emphasis the connection between the air traffic noise, and the environmental and human impact. This is an ongoing problem that needs to be resolved. The fact residents have had to suffer through these disturbances for so long is unacceptable."

Fullerton recently introduced Senate Resolution 139, which directs the Federal Aviation Administration and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to initiate a study.

“As state officials, my colleagues and I have attempted to resolve this issue," he said. "However, we are at the point where we need federal assistance to find a solution to restore the quality of life for our communities."

The petition can be signed online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Ag0D8m4Y3KsvcKA1yvo5PSYSyHEDhLmHXDEthbL9WJ8/viewform.